Teachers must love working with students, be able to communicate with students and parents, possess minimum of bachelor degree, and be able to speak and write fluently in Indonesian and English. 

To monitor, maintain teachers’ quality and performance, Quality Assurance provides training, professional development, and sharing session. The teachers are trained in the Muhammadiyah approach. Teachers participate in various of professional development activities to enhance their practices and improve students’ learning. During the implementation, teachers are given opportunities to refresh their knowledge through sharing session programs. Teachers are also being observed and given feedback regularly.

The success of children education is determined by school, parent, and community. Parents of Muhammadiyah Sang Pencerah Primary school must attend parents’ workshops organized by Quality Assurance.

Connect means parents and school as main part must work with a harmony to make education processes running well. School facilitates many activities and opportunities for parents to engage the education processes in school as well as houses through various parents’ workshops.

The activities are:

Seminar, Workshop, Counseling about education and child progress. Volunteer, Guest speaker, or sponsorship for school event.

Parents as a part of community has role in education of children nation. The experiences, insight and knowledge that they get from this program can be sustainable and implemented in community.